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Shazam For Artists: How To See Stats & Get Verified Fast

Shazam For Artists

*This article may contain links to affiliate products & services. We have reviewed these services to try and ensure the highest quality recommendations*

Written by Omari

In today's streaming industry, the reliability of online streaming apps is crucial. Given its widespread adoption as a tool for locating new music, gaining Shazam verification can do wonders for expanding your fan base, as the app often serves as the first point of contact between listeners and their favorite artists before they migrate to more established social media platforms.

Shazam is a free app that uses the device's microphone to determine the source of an acoustic sample, such as a song, movie, TV show, or commercial. It's a breeze to discover the title of any tune playing on TV, radio, at the fitness center, or social media. Continue reading to find out how to confirm your Shazam account.

What is Shazam?

To this day, Shazam remains one of the most downloaded apps worldwide. This program is available on all mobile platforms, including Windows Phones. Shazam reported on October 21, 2017, that its mobile apps had been downloaded over 1 billion times. In 2018, on January 26th, they hit 400 million yearly visitors and 150 million month-to-month visitors. Plus, they launched a verification system for musicians.

The Updated Shazam App Now Has:

  • RECOGNITION: Shazam is now more efficient and reliable than ever before, all thanks to technology developed by Shazam Research.

  • SEARCH: Users of Shazam can now quickly look up any artist or song they're curious about and then listen to popular tracks, enjoy video content, encounter the artist's breakthroughs, and even follow them for more information. No subscription or sign-up is required to access this consolidated marketplace.

   ● SHARED DISCOVERY: There are now over 600 million verified users who have access to over 2 billion songs on Shazam. To get your artist credentialed, visit With the new networking experience, fans can quickly tell their friends about their favorite finds with a single tap, spreading the word faster than ever before.

Submit Tracks to Shazam

It's crucial for your success as a musician or band if your music can be identified by the app Shazam. It's impossible to predict who will listen to your music or where it will be played. A YouTuber could use your song without giving you any credit. Or perhaps it has been broadcast to an audience of millions via radio. Shazam acts as a lifeline to get them back to the source of the song.

A song identified by Shazam won't result in royalties for the artist. In a more realistic sense, it is a promotional platform that directs users to sites like Apple Music and Spotify, where they can make money.

A Shazam artist profile, complete with your whole (distributed) discography and a profile image, will be generated for you as soon as your music is disseminated and processed. This artist profile can now be linked to your music, making it accessible to listeners everywhere.

To upload your music to Shazam, you’ll need a music distributor.

How Do I Get Verified On Shazam?

All artists who have uploaded music to Shazam can request verification, but it may take a while if they don't have 1,000 followers. It will be much quicker if they already have a verified social media account. You can interact with your fans and gain valuable insights into your audience by becoming a verified artist and then using Shazam Connect. The Shazam team can be an excellent resource for your development as a musician.

If you want your music to be verified on Shazam, follow our guidelines:

  • Open their website to get your Shazam account verified.

  • Your Twitter account must be verified, and you must follow Shazam there if you want to be considered.

  • Shazam will ask you some questions once you get to the verification page. Include your name, email address, a high-resolution photo, and links to your social media and music-sharing profiles.

How to See Stats on Shazam?

You must sign up for Apple Music For Artists to see stats from Shazam.

Similar to the artist dashboard on Spotify, you'll have access to a wealth of data regarding your profile's detections and performance. Using these figures, you can figure out which songs to push, which cities to visit on tour, and which audiences to focus your ads on. You may discover, for instance, that males in Stockholm, Sweden, between the ages of 21 and 28, find your music particularly appealing. 

Booking a show there and advertising to people of that age range on Facebook could be a good idea. Essential data, such as Shazam top-trending and insights, are presented in the Overview section. Your Shazam audience is broken down into its parts, as displayed by Trends. Instead, the Places tab will reveal which international locations you frequently Shazam in.

Charting on Shazam

If one of your songs is trending on Shazam at the national, regional, or local level, a chart showing where it stands will appear in your profile. The chart information refreshes every 24 hours, showing where and how far your song has climbed the charts in a specific region or metro area over the previous week. By choosing a theme, you can view it on all regional and local charts worldwide. If you go to the Overview of Your Music > Charting on Shazam > See All, you'll be sent to a page that displays the Top Charts for your Top Songs.

Trending on Shazam

They will update you on how well your songs are doing on Shazam by sending you a weekly email entitled "Trending on Shazam." See the section on managing your messages for specifics on this email.

When Does The Platform Start Counting Your Songs?

Shazam plays are tracked in your Apple Music for Artists profile so you can see how often your songs are being played and how many times they've been identified. Because Shazam analyses a fragment of audio to identify a song, there are occasions when the fragment may be identical to one from a different recording of the same song. 

One typical example is the reuse of audio samples between the original and remixed versions of a song. The number of Shazams for a song can vary across different copies of the same music because, in these circumstances, the Shazam will be applied to the edition of your music that is found to be the most excellent match.


Participate in the Shazam blue carpet event! It's easy to get verified on this service, which can open doors to new audiences. The world turns to Shazam to identify songs, and musicians can start interacting with their fans before they can on any other social media platform.

When your song is ready to go, it's time to start promoting it to potential fans! Omari has the best organic promotion services money can buy. With packages for Spotify, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, we will get your music the traffic and attention it deserves! Click below for more information.  


    1 Response to "Shazam For Artists: How To See Stats & Get Verified Fast"

    • Adeyanju bada

      What should we upcoming artist now do if I must be verified before I could claim my artist account

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*Here are some small samples of the playlists in our network. Obviously, we aren't able to share every single list for confidentiality reasons, but these are a handful of examples out of the hundreds of playlists we have in our network.*

Playlists This Song Was Featured In

Contemporary Christian Music (33K Followers)

Louvores - Gospel (62K Followers)

Playlists This Song Was Featured In

Clean Rap & RNB (25K Followers)

Top Hits From New Artists (20K Followers)

Chill Music (38K Followers)

Playlists This Song Was Featured In

Today's Pop Hits (38K Followers)

Gaming Playlist & Workout Radio (23K Followers)

Playlists This Song Was Featured In

Forest Gump Soundtrack (50K Followers)

Stagecoach (15K Followers)

Best of Country Hits (2K Followers)

Playlists This Song Was Featured In

Acoustics For Relaxing (48K Followers)

Chill Music (9K Followers)

Playlists This Song Was Featured In

Hard Rock Workout (70K Followers)

Rock Hits (5K Followers)

Playlists This Song Was Featured In

Funky Songs Playlist (190K Followers)

Clean Rap & RNB (10K Followers)

[EDM/Future Bass] Melvin - Luv Again

Playlists This Song Was Featured In

Top Hits From New Artists (20K Followers)

Electro-mania (6K Followers)

Best Workout Playlist (14K Followers)




[Hip Hop] K-Rich - We Workin  


[Hip Hop] Surve - Found My Way  

*Note: Songs may have ordered promotion from other sources as well. Small, medium, and large only denote the amount of promotion that was ordered from our service.  



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The end results: We were able to consistently and predictably gain followers averaging between $0.25-$0.35 per follower (including a bulk of the promotion being done in high cost English speaking countries such as United States, United Kingdom, Australia, & Canada) resulting in around 4,000 new, engaged followers/month on Instagram.

Kid Travis Instagram:

Kid Travis YouTube:

*Note: Previous campaigns are not a guarantee for results in future campaigns. However, we do our best to ensure each client gets the best results possible.  
