Fraud Blocker



About Us


We’ve spent over $577,000 advertising our own music promotion agency and have made 4X ROAS (Return On Ad Spend). For every $1 we spend, we’ve made about $4 back. Not to mention, we did that while ONLY promoting clean music (no explicit content).  

Data Driven Results

We love data. For us, our desired result when running our ads was ROAS. For you, it might be gaining followers or getting more people to your live shows. We hyper-focus on your goals and make sure the ads are customized for your specific achievement.  

Focus On Scale

Getting cheap clicks or views doesn’t matter if they’re not the best people to contribute towards your specific end goals. We’re not worried about one-time results. We structure our ads to work for the long run and will continually optimize their performance.  

Full Audit & Suggestions

Most of the time we see artists posting new songs on social media, it starts with a headline similar to this, ‘OUT NOW. My new single ” ” is live on all streaming platforms.” Here’s a free tip; that’s a terrible headline. We’ll give you far more effective copywriting suggestions to engage your audience.  


Omari - "Every campaign, artist, and goal is unique. For our personal ads, ROAS was the goal. For your ads, we'll have a one-on-one consultation so we know exactly what you're trying to achieve. Then we'll use our expertise to bring the best solution possible"


How much actual ad spend do I get each month?

There is a one-time set up fee of $197 that covers your 30-minute consultation, social media audit, video editing/creation, image editing/creation, copywriting and pixel installation (if applicable).

Package levels for the ad spend are as follows:

  • $500/monthly (30% commission of ad spend to Omari for upkeep, editing, scaling, and data analytics.) = $350 total ad spend monthly.
  • $1,000/monthly (25% commission of ad spend to Omari for upkeep, editing, scaling, and data analytics.) = $750 total ad spend monthly.
  • $2,000/monthly (22% commission of ad spend to Omari for upkeep, editing, scaling, and data analytics.) = $1,560 total ad spend monthly.
  • $5,000/monthly (20% commission of ad spend to Omari for upkeep, editing, scaling, and data analytics.) = $4,000 total ad spend monthly.
  • $10,000/monthly (18% commission of ad spend to Omari for upkeep, editing, scaling, and data analytics.) = $8,200 total ad spend monthly.
  • $15,000/monthly+ (15% commission of ad spend to Omari for upkeep, editing, scaling, and data analytics.)

How long do you manage the ads for?

As long as the monthly price is paid, we will continue to manage the ads. Payment is promptly due every 30 days for continuous management. Once a payment is missed we will offer the management spot to an artist on the waiting list since Facebook & IG limit the amount of accounts we are able to manage.  

Are results guaranteed?

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee results of any kind. Each situation and artist is unique. Factors such as website quality, product prices, brand strength, demand, and the goal of the campaign all play a role in judging it’s success. However, we use our expertise and experience to provide the best results we can.  

What is communication like throughout the order?

Once accepted you will schedule a 30-minute consultation to go over specifics of the goals of your campaign. After we start the promotion there are monthly report meetings of data analytics and campaign growth.  

How long does it take for ads to start working?

We begin your order within 2 business days of receiving all pertinent information and materials for the ads. Ads are typically approved by Facebook & IG within 24 hours of submitting.  

Will you need my password?

No, but you do need to have an ads account active so that we can request access as managers. You will have the freedom to disconnect after your campaign is over.  

Can I disconnect my ads account mid-campaign?

You are free to do this; however, there will be no partial refunds or full refunds on orders. Micro-managing a campaign will only cause you anxiety and us a headache. Much like those with a weak stomach for investing in the stock market, Facebook & IG ads sometimes take time to mature and gather results. This is why our pricing is monthly to allow enough time to attribute conversions toward the proper campaigns. You are free to disconnect after your monthly allotment at the interval of every 30 days.  



Use the contact form by clicking here, or dial (516) 387-2596 (phone calls are reserved for purchasing inquiries only). All other questions can be put in the contact form. (Business hours between 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. EST M-F)  


*Here are some small samples of the playlists in our network. Obviously, we aren't able to share every single list for confidentiality reasons, but these are a handful of examples out of the hundreds of playlists we have in our network.*

Playlists This Song Was Featured In

Contemporary Christian Music (33K Followers)

Louvores - Gospel (62K Followers)

Playlists This Song Was Featured In

Clean Rap & RNB (25K Followers)

Top Hits From New Artists (20K Followers)

Chill Music (38K Followers)

Playlists This Song Was Featured In

Today's Pop Hits (38K Followers)

Gaming Playlist & Workout Radio (23K Followers)

Playlists This Song Was Featured In

Forest Gump Soundtrack (50K Followers)

Stagecoach (15K Followers)

Best of Country Hits (2K Followers)

Playlists This Song Was Featured In

Acoustics For Relaxing (48K Followers)

Chill Music (9K Followers)

Playlists This Song Was Featured In

Hard Rock Workout (70K Followers)

Rock Hits (5K Followers)

Playlists This Song Was Featured In

Funky Songs Playlist (190K Followers)

Clean Rap & RNB (10K Followers)

[EDM/Future Bass] Melvin - Luv Again

Playlists This Song Was Featured In

Top Hits From New Artists (20K Followers)

Electro-mania (6K Followers)

Best Workout Playlist (14K Followers)




[Hip Hop] K-Rich - We Workin  


[Hip Hop] Surve - Found My Way  

*Note: Songs may have ordered promotion from other sources as well. Small, medium, and large only denote the amount of promotion that was ordered from our service.  



With an already buzzing YouTube audience of over 400K+ subscribers, Kid Travis wanted his Instagram profile to start gaining some of that same traction.

While you can get some spill over audience from YouTube, Kid Travis knew that Instagram ad campaigns could boost his presence on IG even further!

He discovered that trying to run Instagram ads yourself vs. having us add our years of experience and expertise to them made a huge difference!

His main goal was to achieve new followers who are seriously interested in his journey as an artist.

Kid Travis already had amazing talent but needed to combine his music genius with some marketing expertise to get the best of both worlds.

We were able to bring out the heart of his music through paid ads by editing & optimizing his existing videos and properly researching and structuring his ad campaigns.

The end results: We were able to consistently and predictably gain followers averaging between $0.25-$0.35 per follower (including a bulk of the promotion being done in high cost English speaking countries such as United States, United Kingdom, Australia, & Canada) resulting in around 4,000 new, engaged followers/month on Instagram.

Kid Travis Instagram:

Kid Travis YouTube:

*Note: Previous campaigns are not a guarantee for results in future campaigns. However, we do our best to ensure each client gets the best results possible.  



Here are a few advertisement examples that helped us generate these results  



Here are a few examples of the IG ads that helped us achieve this goal.
