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Written by Ramsey Brown.
Have you ever had a song stuck in your head that you can’t stop humming the melody to, but yet you can’t figure out the name of the song or either the lyrics to look it up? This has happened to almost all of us, so you probably understand how aggravating it can be when you can’t quite put your finger on the song you are thinking of.
Luckily, technology has its way of making the world and everything around us much easier and more accessible. Instead of driving yourself mad the next time you can’t remember the lyrics or name of a song, there are amazing apps that you can download in order to help you quickly recall the information you are looking for.
There are many song finders apps available for all Apple, Android, and Windows devices that can tell you the song title or the song words by merely humming the sound in the mic of your smartphone. Music finder apps collect a sample of a sound or listen to the tune and compare the audio to its extensive music database.
Whether you’re at a concert and want to instantly know the title of the song being played, or have had a song stuck in your head that you heard days ago at a coffee shop — these 7 apps we are going to mention below will all help you identify a song by melody easily and quickly.
Shazam is the most popular song finder application that has a simple and easy-to-use interface. Tap its iconic logo button to begin listening to music after opening the app and after just a few seconds the song title and artist will appear on your screen.
The best part about Shazam is that it will instantly direct you to open it on Apple Music or Spotify. It will also give you the option to watch the music video, share the song with friends, find other tracks from the same artist, and even check out related music.
Once Shazam finds the song you were looking for, each track you ‘shazam’ automatically goes into a folder, so you can then go back into the app later to find, download, or listen to the track again.
Shazam also provides you with a ‘Playlists For You’ section that is built of recommended songs you are most likely to enjoy based on the music you have previously searched for. Shazam is available for download on most smartphone devices and what is also so great about the platform is that it is completely free to use.
Well integrated with iOS and Siri
Connection to Spotify and Apple Music
If you are searching for a quick and easy-to-use app to find lyrics, Musixmatch is the perfect application to opt for. It helps you find the song by melody and works as a lyrical music player. When you wish to recognize the tune, click on the 'Identify' and click on the Musixmatch button, then Musixmatch identifies the music playing and figures out the song.
The lovely thing about Musixmatch is that it syncs the music and lyrics in real-time. Having many features along with a translation of music lyrics makes it a sure-shot app across the globe. It concentrates on offering lyrics and identifying songs that make them work amazingly.
You’ve probably seen the feature on Spotify where when you play a certain song, the lyrics automatically pop up on your screen - this is all thanks to Musicmatch. You can even create flashcards of their lyrics, such as quoting excerpts from the song and share them on social media.
SoundHound is similar to other music streaming apps that provide different categories of music. Additionally, it also plays music videos rather than music. SoundHound also has its song assistant that works such as you saying “Hey SoundHound, play today’s top pop songs”.
It enables you to search for the song you want by humming the melody, which makes it the best song finder app for when you don’t have the song in front of you to play. Apart from that, you can connect to Spotify, see the lyrics of songs, and purchase Google Play songs.
Another feature that makes SoundHound unique from song identifiers is the online version that utilizes your PC microphone to recognize songs. SoundHound is similar to other music streaming apps as it offers different categories, plays music videos, but additionally has song identifying technology built into it.
Genius is the final application to recognize songs by melody on this list. It is pretty similar to Musixmatch with a focus on song lyrics. The interface is very easy to use, just open the application and tap on the music recognition button at the bottom-right corner. It identifies the tune utilizing ACRCloud's service, and the best thing is that you can play the song even via the PIP window of Youtube.
The application claims to be the world's biggest collection of song lyrics and musical knowledge. It also displays the songs list, which is the most recognized song on Genius. You can tap on any of the pieces to play and see their lyrics. This application also provides you the option for downloading the lyrics or sharing the song with others.
You can also tap on the hamburger icon and click on identify songs to figure out what song is playing. The application works great as well as save your past discoveries under the menu 'My Music.' If you are wanting to get a song finder app with lyrics support, Genius is for you and supportable on both Android and iOS devices.
This is one simple but efficient music-identifying application. The Beatfind Music Recognition app helps you find out the song within seconds and save it in history to go through it later. It also enables you to listen to the song preview to know it is the right song. Besides that, it allows you to stream videos from YouTube.
Even further, not only does Beatfind provide users with an easy to use song identification feature but it also has a flashlight party mode feature that syncs with music beats.mIt uplifts the listening experience syncing with the music bringing a flashlight effect using a smartphone flashlight element. You can also see different attractive animations occurring with the song beats.
A downside to this platform that has received multiple complaints is the pop up advertisements. Other than that, it has all of the same elements as the previous applications we mentioned: song identification, Youtube and Spotify integrations, song history, plus more.
Google has brought us many exciting search tricks ready to explore, including their in-house music recognition feature, 'Now Playing' for identifying songs on Google. Open the assistant and say, 'OK, Google.' and tell the app exactly what you are looking for.
If you are in a hurry, you can click on the music icon on the bottom right corner to boost the music identification speed. It does not feature any song chart as it is a quick and straightforward identifier. Once google tracks your song, you will see the results prompt where you can check out lyrics, play it on YouTube, Spotify, and so on.
The unique and attractive feature is that you do not need to download any other song identifier apps because it is the pre-installed Google application on your smartphone which will do everything. Available on both Apple and Android devices, it’s a great app to have on hand if you ever need to recognize a song quick and on the go.
Soly is the last song identifier application on our list that can help you recognize songs along with lyrics. It comes with an embedded music player which means you can play songs on your device storage too. The song recognition is good in Soly, but it does have some limitations.
The most irritating thing about Soly is the advertisements which are more frequent than other song finder apps. Apart from all these, Soly lyrics do not come up automatically when it recognizes the song, but you can search lyrics manually from the search column.
Nowadays, song finder apps can identify songs, but different features and things are embedded in them to make these platforms even more efficient. You can go with any of these according to your choice and needs. Whether you're a performing musician who needs lyrics displayed quickly and accurately, or just a music fanatic who is always wanting to download the newest tracks you hear.
All 7 of these apps mentioned above are superior choices for identifying tunes on the go. You must remember, just like anything else, these apps will not always be perfect. Not every song you search on the app will be recognizable. Additionally, the application may face issues if the environment you are in is too noisy or if there are multiple songs being played at once around you.
Though all 7 apps are high-grade options, our team here at Omari MC believes that Shazam and SoundHound are the best ones overall. If you are a performer, producer, musician, or artist, we highly recommend you try downloading one of these apps to see how they can benefit you and your creative process.
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2 replies to "7 Best Song Finder Apps That Actually Identify Tunes"
Great list! I’ve been searching for a reliable app to identify songs, and your recommendations are super helpful. I can’t wait to try out SoundHound and Musixmatch! Thanks, Omari MC!
Great roundup of song finder apps! I’ve been looking for something to help me identify tunes on the fly, and this list gives me some solid options to try out. I’m especially interested in the features of the app you highlighted as your favorite!